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Awelye - Dancing Lines

Acrylic on Linen
155 x 196 cm

Year: 2008

Cat.No: 5197



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Molly Pwerle

/ Awelye - Dancing Lines

/ Cat.No: 5197


This painting titled Awelye - Atnwengerrp is on quality linen and was done by the artist in 2008 in our Studio in Alice Springs. It was Barbara Weir, Minnie Pwerle's daughter who organised for the three sisters of Minnie Pwerle, Emily, Galya and Molly Pwerle to come to my place and paint.

Molly's paintings are characterized by a series of long horizontal or vertical lines that represent the markings painted on the upper part of the women's bodies when they gather to perform their ceremonial dance. These lines represent dancing tracks in the sand made by the women.

The dance that Molly paints is owned and performed only by women of the Pwerle and Kemarre skin groups. It tells the story of the way in which the female creation ancestors danced all day and night.

Today, the dream-time dance tracks can be seen as runnels in a flat rock at a sacred site in Utopia, the Pwerle sisters home country, about 260 km's north/east of Alice Springs in Central Australia.