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Mountain Devil Lizard Dreaming

Acrylic on Linen
90 x 90 cm

Year: 2004

Cat.No: 9622

Regular price AUD 8,200.00
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Kathleen Petyarre

/ Mountain Devil Lizard Dreaming

/ Cat.No: 9622

This painting is the supreme image of Kathleen with the title 'Mountain Lizard Dreaming'. In this work she displays a cross motif that is peculiar to this work. Four Dreaming trails converge on a ceremonial square, where secret men's and women's business takes place. Angling towards the bottom left or right corner of the 'map' is a watercourse that has been full after rainy times but now leaves a residual pattern that is characteristic of her country. Seen from above this is a thoroughgoing map that includes the tracks and destinations of her totem, the Mountain Devil Lizard. Frequently painted on a black ground with fine cream dotting, this work speaks volumes about Kathleen's country and her connection with it.